Explore World of Materials – ArchiMAT

For Brand Owners

A World of Architectural Building Materials Redefining ZERO Waste.


Market Differentiation

Brands encounter challenges in distinguishing their sustainable products in a crowded market, emphasizing uniqueness and value to consumers.

Limited Consumer Awareness

Selling sustainable products faces hurdles when consumers lack awareness of the benefits, resulting in a smaller target market and slower adoption.

Retailer Resistance

Some retailers may resist allocating shelf space to sustainable products due to concerns about consumer demand or uncertainties about sales performance, limiting market access.

Consumer Education

Brands face the task of educating consumers on the benefits of sustainable products, fostering awareness and influencing purchasing decisions in a conscientious market.

How ArchiMAT help your business to grow globally?

Feature Your Product #MOTD (Material of the day)

Feature your brand story and product insights into #materialoftheday (#MOTD) as article /blog.

Update Your Green Product Label

Update your latest Green Certification to allow end- user to be able to search you better.

Get Direct leads & Sampling Request

Connect directly with designer, builder or end-user for more in-depth inquiries for better product experience.

Upload Your Product eDatasheet

Upload your latest product information for end-user to use for tender submissions and seamless project integration.

Register Your Product With Own Blockchain Identity

Every product possesses a unique and authentic identity of its own

Upload Design Tools For Designer Use

Upload your 3D drawing files—CAD, 3ds, max, and PNG — for designer or builder used.